January 2025, 4-day Residency with 3 Workshops and 3 Performances composed of 6 short pieces each, Bern, Switzerland [Simon Halbedo, Susanne Martin and Peter Aerni].
December 2023, EXI(S)T / Tympanum, 2 Performances, Bern, Switzerland [Simon Halbedo]
January 2023, Les choses comme elles sont / Greyscale / Backlash, 3 Performances, Neuchâtel, Switzerland [Simon Halbedo]
December 2021, Au beau milieu / Au bas mot, 2 Performances, Neuchâtel, Switzerland [Simon Halbedo]
January 2020, Funkstille, 1 Performances, Progr, Bern, Switzerland [Simon Halbedo]
December 2019, Au seuil du silence, Residency, 4 Workshops and 4 Performances, Espace Sud, Neuchâtel, Switzerland [Simon Halbedo]
February 2018, Discanto, 2 Performances, Rome, Italy [Giacomo Calabrese]
December 2017, Residency, 4 Workshops and 3 Performances, Arsenic, Lausanne, Switzerland [Simon Halbedo]
July 2017, Residency, 4 Workshops and 3 Performances, Basel, Switzerland [Chantal Langlotz & Simon Halbedo]
May 2017, 1 Performance and 1 Workshop at Overtoom201, Amsterdam [Ana Leonor Ladas]
May 2017, 2 Performances with Barre Phillips, Neuchâtel & La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland [Simon Halbedo]
December 2016, Prosaic lines, 3 Performances and 3 Workshops, Neuchâtel, Switzerland [Simon Halbedo]
Octobre 2016, Magnifiche Presenze, 2 Performances, Rome, Italy [Giacomo Calabrese]
December 2019, Au seuil du silence, Residency, 4 Workshops and 4 Performances, Espace Sud, Neuchâtel, Switzerland [Simon Halbedo]
February 2018, Discanto, 2 Performances, Rome, Italy [Giacomo Calabrese]
December 2017, Residency, 4 Workshops and 3 Performances, Arsenic, Lausanne, Switzerland [Simon Halbedo]
July 2017, Residency, 4 Workshops and 3 Performances, Basel, Switzerland [Chantal Langlotz & Simon Halbedo]
May 2017, 1 Performance and 1 Workshop at Overtoom201, Amsterdam [Ana Leonor Ladas]
May 2017, 2 Performances with Barre Phillips, Neuchâtel & La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland [Simon Halbedo]
December 2016, Prosaic lines, 3 Performances and 3 Workshops, Neuchâtel, Switzerland [Simon Halbedo]
Octobre 2016, Magnifiche Presenze, 2 Performances, Rome, Italy [Giacomo Calabrese]
August 2016, Cantica, 1 Performance, Castellaneta, Italy [Giacomo Calabrese]
April 2016, Chiaroscuro, 1 Performance, Amsterdam, Netherlands [Ana Leonor Ladas]
May 2016, Dasein, 1 Performance, Rome, Italy [Simon Halbedo & Giacomo Calabrese]
June 2016, Residency and 7 Performances, La Chaux-de-Fonds and Neuchâtel, Switzerland [Simon Halbedo & Giacomo Calabrese]
December 2015, Memory, 3 Performances , Neuchâtel, Switzerland
July 2015, Residency and 5 Performances, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland [Simon Halbedo & Giacomo Calabrese]
June 2015, Chiodi, 1 Performance, Rome, Italy [Giacomo Calabrese]
December 2014, Passages, 3 Performances, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
October 2014, Shelter, Residency and 1 Performance, La Serre, Drôme, France [Magaux Amoros & Cécile Brousse]
June 2014, Si sta come d’autunno sugli alberi le foglie, 1 Performance, Rome, Italy [Giacomo Calabrese]
May 2014, Residency and 3 Performances, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland [Simon Halbedo & Giacomo Calabrese]